Volunteer Application

Commitment to The Well

Volunteer Conduct Agreement

Volunteer Confidentiality Agreement

This Agreement is made between the volunteer and The Well Church. The volunteer will perform services for The Well Church which may require The Well Church to disclose confidential and proprietary information. Confidential Information is any information of any kind, nature, or description concerning any matters affecting or relating to volunteer services for The Well Church, the business or operations of The Well Church, and/or the plans, processes, or other data of The Well Church.

The volunteer represents and warrants that he/she is not under any preexisting obligations inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement.   Clicking the boxes above signifies that the volunteer agrees to the terms and conditions of the agreement stated above.

Volunteer Background Check Consent and Disclosure

The Well Church will not employ, independently contract with, or grant direct access privileges to an individual until a criminal history check is conducted.